Bridget King's "Make it Mine" Series Brookdale Senior Living Design Transformation Now Live

Did you get to see my episode of Make It Mine?

It’s officially live and I’m so proud. There are additional episodes going live today and over the next several months.

I've been so excited to be able to share my work and this experience with you. It was such a fulfilling experience, and I loved getting to know Suzanne, the resident selected for the design transformation in my episode.

This is something I will always remember, and I hope you all enjoy what we've got in store for you on this episode. You can see all episodes in the series here!

Don’t forget to vote for me online when the series closes in September! If I am voted as the best design “Peoples Choice” on #MakeitMineSeries, the series will make a charitable donation in my name! Check back regularly for new episodes!